Nights to Honor Israel

Dear Friend and Supporter of Israel,

We're excited to tell you about 2 more Nights to Honor Israel planned for February in Georgia and North Carolina, dates and time listed below. If you have family or friends in those areas please forward this email to them because we want to draw a great crowd.

Israel�s time of need is now! Join us in raising money for our project called Operation Life Shield, in which we are helping an Israeli company build portable bomb shelters in Sderot, Israel. The shelters come in two sizes, the smaller of which will be placed at all bus stops and will hold up to 12 people. The larger shelter holds about 40 people and is placed near schools, daycares, nursing homes, etc. We only need to raise $10,000 to make these shelters a reality.

Pastor John Hagee

Pastor John Hagee, Founder of Christians United for Israel, teaches that love is not just something you talk about, but something that you do.

It is time for us to DO!

�A Night to Honor Israel� Coming to a City Near You!
Which night will you attend?

A Night to Honor Israel A Night to Honor Israel

Pastor John Hagee will be speaking at both of these events.

More information about Operation Life Shield along with a way to donate is listed below.

I will be attending both of these events and I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Thank you for all that you do for Israel.

May God bless you and those you love.

Steve Strang
Director, Region 6 (FL, GA, NC, SC)
Christians United For Israel

Operation Lifeshield is an emergency campaign to deliver badly-needed air raid shelters to Israeli civilian communities that live under the constant threat of missile attack. Israeli citizens are in danger of being wounded or killed because shelter is lacking in public areas such as parks, playgrounds, sports fields and pedestrian areas.

When the air raid siren sounds, there are less than 60 seconds to find shelter. If you can't find shelter, your life may be over. Yes, less than 60 seconds can be the difference between life and death.

Military intelligence warns of the extended range, accuracy and power of the thousands of Kassam missiles in the hands of the Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Reports also indicate that Hamas is in possession of Katyusha and other advanced missiles. The danger of Hezbollah attacking again in the north is growing daily..

Operation Lifeshield
Operation Lifeshield

Operation Lifeshield has closed but YOU can still make a difference for Israel,
so please make a donation today by Clicking Here

The purpose of this program is to give the Christian Community an opportunity to demonstrate their love and support for Israel and the Jewish people.

The words of God to Abraham (Gen. 12:3) and the words in Paul's letter to the Romans (Rom. 15:27) form two strong pillars upon which the "Night to Honor Israel" is built.

We are here to introduce a new era in America - an era of unity, mutual respect, and lasting peace - an era when Christian and Jew stand together hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and announce to a hostile world that we are united in brotherhood. We invite everyone to join us in the practical demonstration of God's love on this historic night.